“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”- Proverbs 22:6

We have our Sunday School for children and youth every Friday at the St. Luke’s Hall, Trinity Compound Dubai from 7pm to 8.10pm

Owing to the current COVID situation, our Sunday School is conducted via the ZOOM platform, every Sunday from 12pm .

Learn more

We have classes from AO (4 years ) to Senior Youth (youth who are doing their higher education or working )

If you are interested to know more,  please contact our Principals via telephone or whatsapp at:

Bro Sheji Jos (Sheji)

Mob: + 971 50 6570958

Bro Suresh Jacob (Suresh)

Mob: + 971 56 6932355